Henry David Thoreau

Back story:  This place holds a very special place in my heart.  It is the view from a cabin where I spent many summer afternoons playing with a dear group of friends from high school. It is in upstate NY and is called Hunt Lake.  In the middle of nowhere special but so incredible special to me. There were so many good times, OMG. I was able to feel safe and free my soul and be connected to quality people. They are part of who I am today.  They help give me the confidence to live with an open heart and let people in.  I was so blessed to land on my forever friends in 8th grade.  It all started in orchestra, yes I was an orchestra geek.  I played the violin from 4th grade thru 11th.  I was pretty good actually.  I think I was 4th chair.  I met James, he played the bass.  He was a light in my life and still is to this day.  He introduced me to the group and the rest is history.  

This art piece was given to me for a wedding present 29 years ago now from dear friends Jamie and Karen.  It says:

If one advances confidently in the direction of ones dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success in common hours. . . if you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost.  It is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.  

I have this hanging in my bedroom and it inspires me and has given me wings.  Even though our reality has drastically changed recently you can still fulfill your dreams.  It's even more important to be clear on them.  You have a new gift of time.  Write them down.  Figure out the first couple steps to move forward with them. There are still ways to take action, there always will be.  If you focus on what you can't do you will grow more of what you can't do.  Look for the nooks and crannies of what IS available.  Be creative.  Brainstorm with people who can be in possibility.  Enjoy the gifts this time brings you and hopefully do it with as much grace as possible.  

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