Meg Harper is a professed proud tree hugger

Meg Harper is a professed proud tree hugger

Whenever I get the privilege to get into the forest and be next to huge trees like this one it is an amazing majestic experience.  Trees are so solid and stable, so rooted into the earth, it's no wonder they feel so good to be around.  The wind whispering through the leaves is like a song written for my soul singing peace, peace, peace be in you and all around you Meg. It's one of my favorite sounds ever.  I have never felt more connected to God or life giving spiritual energy than when I am in the forest.  And these huge creatures feel like a big blanket from God wrapping around me calming me and plugging me into this amazing field of soothing energy.  This particular one was in Yosemite National Forest.  If you get a chance to go, please do.  Many of the forests above San Francisco have these older ginormous trees and to be in a forest of them is heaven.  

When you add to that the color green which is grounding and brings a calming effect to the nervous system magic happens.  Green is connected to the heart chakra too so there is no wonder how forests work deep in our souls.  Green relaxes us mentally as well as physically.  It helps alleviate depression and anxiety, nervousness and offers a sense of renewal, self control and harmony.  

And then the smells and the birds and the animals .. .   OMG.  I am getting myself all calmed down just thinking about it.  If you are quiet in the woods and sit still for at least 15 minutes animals will come out and visit.  They just need a minute to make sure you're safe.  I love closing my eyes and just listening to their songs and chatter.  I always hear squirrels and chippies letting everyone know I'm there. There are so many levels of sounds too.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh.    

So know that all that I feel here in the forest is what I wrap up in my being and have come out through me when I am painting.  This is the energy I am channeling into my paintings.  This is what the world needs more of.  This is what I believe I was put on this earth to give to you.  I give it with my whole heart and soul and feel blessed to be this person in the world.  

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