I love my Prince Albert Peach Tree - he is 6 years old now! The first year we could make one pie off of his peaches now I've made 5 and still going!! We felt naming the tree would help him feel the love and grow even better and I think it worked!!! It is such a thrill to walk in my back yard and pick a fresh juicy delicious peach. They are incredibly flavorful and awesome! I've made 5 pies so far this season - perfected it I have. My glorious neighbor up the street has a blackberry patch that's about 50 foot by 3 foot wide - and he wants us to pick them. What a gift that both peaches and blackberries are in season in Mesa at the same time!! So freaking delicious to combine fresh blackberries with fresh peaches and make a pie! Pies are my favorite by far . . . Just thinking about them makes my mouth water! I've found a really great gluten free crust too at Sprouts in the freezer section. Really delicious. Now I don't even need the recipe, I have memorized how to do this, OMG! I am really in deep doo doo now. I am grateful the blackberries and peaches are almost gone. I am grateful we only have ONE season for peaches and blackberries.
I would eat them all day every day if it were available. It is hard to believe I would eat a lot based on my small frame but I do I swear! I can put it away for sure! I have not gained any weight during the pandemic though. I am exercising every day so I am working it off so to speak.
It's amazing how much pie makes me happy! My favorite pie growing up was strawberry rhubarb. We could grow both of them in update NY were I grew up. Nothing better, well maybe peach and blackberries. They are a very close second for sure!!! Thank you world for giving us pie! I am a better human being because of it~